Local Control Accountability Plan
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
See file below to view the current Knightsen Elementary School District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
For questions or comments, please email Superintendent Harvey Yurkovich.
Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan
What is the LCAP?
California's new school funding law, called the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is a new way for schools to focus on student success. The LCFF requires all districts to involve parents in planning and decision-making as well as in developing a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
The LCAP is a plan that guides our school in the development of educational programs, utilizes data to gauge how well the school is doing in meeting the state LCAP priorities, and guides the District in implementing local priorities for our school.
LCAP Process

Information for Parents
When parents and families take an active role in their children's education both at home and in the community, children perform better in school and have a better chance of furthering their education.
Learn More - get engaged!
We want to know your priorities and ideas for improving our schools!
Families: Complete an Alternative Income Form (below) to Help Your School Maximize Its Funding.
Let Your Voice Be Heard
The Local Control Funding Formula is a huge opportunity for parents to shape the vision for your children’s education.
Visit the California State PTA site which provides additional useful information.
Parent Feedback
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)